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What You Need to Know about the Arizona Trucking Association

Before you start working with a Tucson trucking company, it is important to understand the Arizona Trucking Association and its role in Arizona-based jobs. Here is more information about this association and how it will help you do your job:

It Is a Huge Contributor to the Economy

Trucking jobs add a lot to the state’s economy. In fact, in 2011, the industry was responsible for 104,790 jobs. This is equivalent to 1 out of every 18 jobs in the state. Without the industry and the Arizona Trucking Association, the state economy would not be able to survive. When you work for an Arizona trucking company, you can become a valuable part of this economy.

It Caters to Small Businesses

Most trucking companies in Arizona are considered small businesses. The Arizona Trucking Association watches out for these small companies to ensure that they get the services they need. Thanks to the Arizona Trucking Association, these small trucking companies are able to contribute to the state’s economy.

It Facilitates the Transportation of Goods

The trucking industry transports about 92 percent of manufactured goods across the country. The Arizona Trucking Association is an important part of this transportation process and helps businesses all over the country keep their shipments moving.

It Works Toward Better Trucking Standards

The Arizona Trucking Association is designed to look out for the best interest of the industry. This means that they work hard to find new ways to lower fuel consumption, reduce emissions, and form important partnerships that benefit the entire industry.

When you work for DSW Drivers, you can be a part of a small company that looks out for its drivers. For more than 20 years, we have provided valuable jobs in the Arizona trucking industry to do our part for the state’s economy. To learn more about our company or how you can work for us, visit us online or call 1-888-266-7534.

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