It is estimated that 86 percent of truck drivers are overweight or obese. The trucking lifestyle makes it very hard for one to be fit. Truck drivers work long hours and spend a lot of time sitting. They also have access to unhealthy foods at trucking stops. The good news is that there are several things that you can do to keep yourself in shape while you are on the road. Below are some fitness tips for truckers:
Walk Around
Walking is one of the simplest exercises that you can do. You should consider walking during your breaks at a truck stop. One of the many great things about walking is that you do not need any special equipment to do it. You do not even have to do a lot of walking to reap the benefits. You can reap major benefits just by walking the length of your 20 to 25 times. Walking is great, but if you want to burn even more calories, then you should consider running.
Jumping Jacks
Jumping jacks are another exercise that you can do while you are at a trucking stop. You do not need any equipment for this exercise. You can burn over 200 calories in less than 30 minutes by performing jumping jacks.
Core Contractions
You can do core contractions without even leaving your driver’s seat. It is very simple to do this exercise. All you will need to do is pull your spine to your belly button. Hold it for five seconds. Release and repeat this exercise at least 10 times. Ideally, you will want to two sets.
Staying fit on the road is not impossible. Walking, jumping jacks and core contractions are just a few of the many exercises that you can do while you are at a trucking stop. If you are looking for a great trucking company, then you should consider contacting Tucson truck driving company DSW Drivers. Call us today at 1-888-266-7534.